Course Content
Ok, let's get started, but before we can start learning SQL, we need to download and install the software. It's a thing called SQL Server Management Studio and it's one of the most widely used database systems on the planet. Are you ready? Then let's dive in.
Let's learn some SQL. We'll begin with some simple stuff, and by the end of this module, you'll be well on your way. Each lesson contains challenges to make sure you're on track. Don't forget to jump on those group calls for additional support or if you have any questions.
We're really getting into this now. By the mid point in this module, you'll have reached the point where you could pass a technical interview assessment. Keep going, and get yourself on those group calls if you have any questions.
Now you've completed the core modules in the program, you can have a look at some additional resources to help you on your journey. You never stop learning you know!
Interview Preparation
If you're applying for jobs, then you'll have interviews. There's no need to be afraid, especially when you're fully prepared. Here's some vital information that help you get ready for those occasions.
Challenge Yourself
You never stop learning, and the best way to learn is by facing challenges. Here we've put together some nice tasty head-scratchers for you to have a think about. Any problems with these, and you can hop on those group calls. We look forward to seeing you there.
A farewell, and a few thoughts to send you on your way
SQL Superhero Program (Copy 2)
About Lesson

Ok let’s dive in. In this tutorial I explain how to get started querying a database and selecting data from one table, and then two tables joined together.

This video is 31 minutes, plus there are three challenges so I’d suggest giving yourself 60-90 minutes or so to get through this one. I saved my notes and the challenge solutions, and these can be downloaded from this page, but these are only there for your reference. It is important that you code along with me and try to figure it out for yourself.

Exercise Files
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